Ça a franchement de la gueule, Pascal !! Bravo !
Toujours un peu stressant d'attendre 13 heures qu'elle s'imprime,
Maarten Schönfeld a écrit:Hi Pascal,
Maybe a bit late, but I would like to share a thought on the colour yellow you have used on the inside of the bulwarks. As the ship looks today, your paint choice matches perfectly.
However, I'm inclined to think that in the past the yellow colour used on (Dutch) navy ships was not the golden rich yellow you have used, but a more white-ish yellow, also seen on utilitarian vessels like tugs and fishermen of the period.
To illustrate the point, included here two photos of Hr.Ms. Luymes A902 and Snellius A907, two of the last hydrographic vessels in the traditional colours. The yellow used on this is I believe a good example.
Also this painting of Hydrograaf seems to point into that direction, even exaggerated, but that's of course subject to the interpretation of the artist:
This picture of the even newer Buyskes, Blommendal and Tydeman illustrate the point even more:
Humbrol 74 would have been a good choice, but you may be of course of different view.
Another point are the propeller shafts: as unpainted steel wil be very susceptible to corrosion, I think these are very rarely if ever left unpainted. Usually these have the same colour as the antifouling used on the ship's bottom.
But on shipyard presentation models it's a different matter, these were often adorned with much bling-bling that never was there on the real ship. If you want to capture that look your choice is very justified of course.
Hub92 a écrit:Superbe et ce jaune lui colle mieux,
Iceman29 a écrit:Maarten du forum Shipmodels m'avait fait remarqué fin septembre que la couleur jaune actuelle de ce navire n'était pas la tonalité originale utilisé en 1910 par la marine hollandaise, et d'ailleurs toujours utilisée en partie aujourd'hui.Maarten Schönfeld a écrit:Hi Pascal,
Maybe a bit late, but I would like to share a thought on the colour yellow you have used on the inside of the bulwarks. As the ship looks today, your paint choice matches perfectly.
However, I'm inclined to think that in the past the yellow colour used on (Dutch) navy ships was not the golden rich yellow you have used, but a more white-ish yellow, also seen on utilitarian vessels like tugs and fishermen of the period.
To illustrate the point, included here two photos of Hr.Ms. Luymes A902 and Snellius A907, two of the last hydrographic vessels in the traditional colours. The yellow used on this is I believe a good example.
Also this painting of Hydrograaf seems to point into that direction, even exaggerated, but that's of course subject to the interpretation of the artist:
This picture of the even newer Buyskes, Blommendal and Tydeman illustrate the point even more:
Humbrol 74 would have been a good choice, but you may be of course of different view.
Another point are the propeller shafts: as unpainted steel wil be very susceptible to corrosion, I think these are very rarely if ever left unpainted. Usually these have the same colour as the antifouling used on the ship's bottom.
But on shipyard presentation models it's a different matter, these were often adorned with much bling-bling that never was there on the real ship. If you want to capture that look your choice is very justified of course.
J'étais donc au pied du mur il y a quelques jours car j'avais un choix à faire impliquant la modification de peinture du pavois et de certains accessoires déjà peints.. C'est toujours un dilemme quand ça arrive. J'ai de repeindre avec tout ce que ça implique en terme de stress, de découpe de cache etc.
Ca s'est plutôt bien passé, j'ai quelques retouche à faire, j'ai du décoller une bonne partie des accessoires de pont, que je n'ai pas tous recollés pour d'autres raisons.
Puis je me suis attaqué au chantier du chateau et de la passerelle. Pour le passerelle j'ai dû séparer le toit des murs, il y avait trop de déformations à l'impression sur les montants des sabords, peu visibles, mais moi je l'ai voyais.
La cheminée est terminée. Rien n'est collé, quasiment.
Idem pour l'abri arrière, j'ai séparé la toile de l'armature.
Quelques photos des avancées du chantier naval: